It's been a crazy busy past week. I first want to start off by showing a picture of my grandfather, whom I lost last Thursday to cancer. I have tons of amazing memories with my grandpa and I sure do miss him!
He was always in my corner and would give me my special boost of confidence before I gave a presentation. We called each other #1... mainly because I was the first grandchild and the first
girl in the Dunn family.
This picture was taken of us this past Christmas...
Let's change topics (while I dry my eyes)...
my step mom said this the other day... "it's in our genetic (female) makeup to
have the desire for 2 things- be mothers and create." Not to say that
women don't strive to do other things, because if you know Jenn, you know
that she is the ultimate "I am woman, hear me roar." But that comment is very true!
So, on my motherly side- I have been touring Pre-K programs! I can't believe my baby will be going to Pre-K (granted he will be doing this for 2 years). So today after MANY sleepless nights (mainly because of baby Gavin) worrying about what to do and which is best for Keegan, I finally made a decision! What a relief! The program is 4 days a week from 9-1... still trying to work the logistics between work and getting Keegan from school by 1.
Now for the need to create... this is this weeks project- the burlap wreath. I have a wall in my family room that desperately needs some love. So, I thought the burlap wreath would be a nice addition to attach to the mirror- hopefully it will give me the texture and dimension my wall needs!
Here's a couple of burlap wreath ideas. I bought the wreath form and burlap a week ago and can't wait to get it done, I have only been trying to make it for a week now! I will post my finished one soon!

Not a burlap wreath, but a cute rag one...